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Warrack the Grindcore Cannyartist

Regular price $25.11
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Warrack the Grindcore Cannyartist

Warrack the Grindcore Cannyartist

This grindcore-style puzzle is created by renowned artist Takayuki Takeya, Jack Whitten, and Chris Leib. Filled with several cartoon animals with unique eyes, it reflects their playful yet macabre aesthetic. Intense movement and expression designs add an interesting dynamic to this caninecore puzzle. With its unique and creative design, this puzzle will be a delight for all kinds of puzzlers! #puzzle #takayukitakeya #jackwhitten #chrisleib #grindcore #playfulmacabre #caninecore #intensemovementexpression #art #puzzling #artist #cartoonanimals # creativity

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